Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Treyvon Martin Observation.

I've been thinking about this Treyvon Martin case. Why has this become such a dividing point? Sadly, it is a blemish on the vainer of our fledgling societal progress. In order to answer the question as to whether race was a factor, simply ask the question in reverse. 

Is there a case where this law was cited as to whether the "The Feeling of Threat of Life" was used; to set a black man free of shooting and killing an unarmed teenage caucasian? After being told by the police operator to "Stand Your Ground"......"We have people on the way", then proceed to initiate contact with the victim, participate in a physical confrontation, ultimately shooting him in the chest causing his death. Who then uses as a defense, 

"We've had a lot of robberies in the area, this kid looked like one of "those guys", and he was behaving a little odd and uncomfortable. These white kids have an attitude and walk with a chip on their shoulder. He didn't look right, so that's when I called you. But you know that already, since I call you guys quite frequently and I'm a bit twitchy; Oh and don't forget, I was on the fucking phone with you, when I pretty much started this shit." 

For those looking at this as showing a bias or leaning, I'm not talking about the coverage or public outrage. That's a whole other mess. My question is directly pointed at the legal handling of the case. Name examples of interracial killings or crime in relation to the Percentage of who was perpetrator and who was victim. Then what percentage of Black men who shot and Killed a Caucasian man then walked free vs. a Caucasian man who shot and killed a Black man and walked free. We can even open it up to less serious crimes. It just seems that someone could come up with these types of numbers. 

Too bad we don't trust what we hear anymore. Damn you Entertainment News, that I soak up like a sponge. We need some independent "non" fringe info out there. 

Cite me a similar case.....please. I would love to believe that we as a People are better than that, but believing and reality are often at odds. Is it cynical to simply ask for Some signs of humanity? 

-Shallow Gullet

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