Friday, April 27, 2012

The Rational Republican Conundrum

The religio-political babble following 911 was fueled with hatred, confusion and
generalizations.  People blamed, feared and suspected all muslims of being...."one
of them".  To be honest, I had a moment of fear on a flight not long after 911.  It
was a red eye and a pair of muslim men where sitting behind me and I became slightly
anxious, and on guard.  But you have to understand, they were dressed like the
"stereotypical" hijackers from those cheese ass 70's movies.  So I completely
acknowledge that it was too easy for me to categorize and fear.  As anniversaries
accumulated, the fervent speculation began to morf and level out.  The comprehension
that not all muslims are terrorists is now commonly understood.  However, the Muslim
Brand had suffered because of the actions of a fractional vocal Majority.  Through
education and outreach, Americans are now less hostile towards Muslims.  True; the
men who perpetuated 911 were Terrorists who happened to be Muslim......everyone has
someone in the family that causes embarrassment and shame.

With that being said.....If a backward minority is speaking for the meek majority,
shouldn't the meek majority muster the courage to moderate?  If only to give the
rest of us a belief in the possibility of civility?

-Shallow Gullet

Monday, April 23, 2012

discover the embryonic nucleus of the Conservative Movement

On my quest to discover the embryonic nucleus of the Conservative Movement; certain
tenants begin to emerge.  I've been bated into this proclamation of the Republican
"War on Women" shamefulness.  Issues begin to ring hollow when used as political
gain on either side.  Once that begins you've already eliminated the support
of......... "According to the Gallup Poll".....whomever votes for Republicans.  

I think we should ponder the true importance of the standing fact that every
election cycle, is decided by the swing voters.  I've accepted this a truism and
until now, haven't thought much past that perspective.  However, this particular
election cycle is raising my antenna.  The satellite image of this..... Bell Curve
of an Electorate, would give Salvador Dali a wet dream.  Radical entrenchment is the
status quo.  

The swing Voters are being compressed with more fervor than a 14 year old digging
out a zit.  The swing voters are perceived as the more rational minds.  Oh the
beauty of the Bell Curve.  Within that curve exists it's own curve.  Think about it,
even rational minds have an anchor point on their side of the spectrum.  2012 is
bringing on some crazy shit though, and ration is being tested.  The devision
between Blue and Red hasn't even the slightest glimmer of Purple.  That said, how do
you cast your vote along party lines with clear conscience.  

Something has to change.  You're either Blue, Red or Independent.  All three brands
are tarnished and their filthy exteriors are unsightly.  The classification of a
Blue is a 99% protestor, who live in their mothers basement whilst YouTube or
Facebooking their ordinary existance (sorry, that sounded angry....I was just trying
to channel an outsiders perspective......don't be so sensitive).    A Red badge
earns you an express pass to the Tea Party where your vision of America is rose
colored and reminiscent of the pre civil rights era.   The once mighty equalizer;
the independent, is now seen as codgery and out of touch, whose champion bears a
strong resemblance to Mr. Burns from the Simpsons, and babbles on like an early
onset alzheimer's  patient.  A sad State of Affairs.  

Where do those who think these phylum are all fucked turn?

- Shallow Gullet

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Everybody needs to dial it back a bit

Everybody needs to dial it back a bit.  Flight attendants and pilots are starting to
have freak outs.  What the Fuck!

You can barely go out in public without getting aggravated by some..."me first
fucking ass clowns."  Here's a quick story.  It was a couple of weeks ago and the
power went out in Huntington Beach on a Tuesday night.  That alone caused a sense of
near riotous fervor.  Tuesday nights in Huntington are the street fair with all the
vendors and everyone running amok on main street.  Again, the power was out, so I
decided to take the dog out for a walk.  Not much else to do, the power was out. 
The street fair was more like an evil clown carnival and walking with a dog was
frustrating enough.  Long story short, I was ending my term on Main Street when I
was confronted by a dumb-shit lady...who placed herself in my path and gave me the
"You can't walk through this area" routine.  My response startled the both of us. 
When she placed herself in my path and shrilly pronounced herself, I said..."Get out
of my face you crazy bitch"...."What the Fuck".  That went over like an egg fart and
eventually, after giving her my eat shit and die look I proceeded home.  Come on
people, dial it back.  I may be speaking to myself a bit, and I am working on my
outbursts, but dammit I can only do so much.

Unfortunately, you have to be on guard at all times.  Don't even get me started on
Costco or Trader Joes across from the Old Folks home.
- Anonymous

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Historically successful social movements

Historically successful social movements, have at their impetus a unifying theme. 
Though not always agreed upon; the "people" are aware of the call to action.  The
French Revolution for example....."Let them eat cake", who the fuck wouldn't support
the over throw of an arrogant Aristocracy, or at least get where the masses where
coming from.  Unless you are part of the dislodged group, you still acknowledge the
premiss while finding it to be piss pour.  The American Revolution was hatched as a
movement with substantial motivation, strategy and courage derived from the French
Revolution.  The slave movement, worker's rights, women's rights, civil rights and
most of the significant social constructs all have one thing in common; even the
most ardent opponent could at least tell you with bitter disdain on his breathe,
what the movement was about.....

(Think in Frasier Crane's ambiguous brothers voice, or Kevin Spacey's character in
"Midnight in the Garden of Good And Evil" {alternate at will, they will both

When she said "Let the Eat Cake", I knew exactly where she was coming from.  These
people want to be equals with us who were born to this right and privilege.  This is
an don't get to be free, like we at the top.

Oh those colonists.  Who do they take us for, they are british heart and God Save
The Queen to that.  If not for our protection, they will be ravaged by those dirty
French.  In my view, we have not committed enough to silence these cry's for freedom
and independence.  Oh fuck it, let them have their freedom......they'll be back.

Imagine sitting on the veranda of a county sized estate in the early 1900's. 
.......Hey Ford, we are losing the battle to these cogs who are downright demanding
better pay, safer conditions....yaddy yaddy yah.  Let's say we give in for a while
and level things out a bit.  Here's my question......"If we are gonna budge for
these cogs......Can you get them to work more efficiently?  They behave like simple
minded chimps"

With all of that being said.  When a movement is occurring, and affecting the entire
population, people are aware of what is the eventual goal.

This leads to the question, What does the conservative movement want as an end
result.  The reference to the "Conservative Movement", is thrown about so loosely,
that I don't believe I am treading on thin ice to ask in on the secret.  

Again, lay off the small minded bias dismissal.  Fact, the liberals have a movement
as well.  Not bagging on movements.  It's just that the Liberal Movement is a
rudderless ship, and I'm not sure of what they want either.  No, I am asking about
the Conservative Movement.  They are a united, devout, and righteous group.  And
that is a scary fucking combination of descriptions for a movement.  What do they
want?  Please, someone with a level head enlighten me to the vision they are
drinking in, and I am finding so distasteful.

-Shallow Gullet

I hinge on every issue.

I hinge on every issue.  I hope to believe that I have matured, even just a little
bit over the course of my life.  That's what makes it difficult to classify myself
as a Democrat or Republican.  I've been party to quite a few diametrically opposed,
freakishly fringy, super cool, and down right nasty perspectives over my wanderance
through life.  There are too many ways to see an issue, and it's difficult to notice
if your blinders are up.  Walk a mile in his shoes kind of shit.
- Anonymous  

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Treyvon Martin Observation.

I've been thinking about this Treyvon Martin case. Why has this become such a dividing point? Sadly, it is a blemish on the vainer of our fledgling societal progress. In order to answer the question as to whether race was a factor, simply ask the question in reverse. 

Is there a case where this law was cited as to whether the "The Feeling of Threat of Life" was used; to set a black man free of shooting and killing an unarmed teenage caucasian? After being told by the police operator to "Stand Your Ground"......"We have people on the way", then proceed to initiate contact with the victim, participate in a physical confrontation, ultimately shooting him in the chest causing his death. Who then uses as a defense, 

"We've had a lot of robberies in the area, this kid looked like one of "those guys", and he was behaving a little odd and uncomfortable. These white kids have an attitude and walk with a chip on their shoulder. He didn't look right, so that's when I called you. But you know that already, since I call you guys quite frequently and I'm a bit twitchy; Oh and don't forget, I was on the fucking phone with you, when I pretty much started this shit." 

For those looking at this as showing a bias or leaning, I'm not talking about the coverage or public outrage. That's a whole other mess. My question is directly pointed at the legal handling of the case. Name examples of interracial killings or crime in relation to the Percentage of who was perpetrator and who was victim. Then what percentage of Black men who shot and Killed a Caucasian man then walked free vs. a Caucasian man who shot and killed a Black man and walked free. We can even open it up to less serious crimes. It just seems that someone could come up with these types of numbers. 

Too bad we don't trust what we hear anymore. Damn you Entertainment News, that I soak up like a sponge. We need some independent "non" fringe info out there. 

Cite me a similar case.....please. I would love to believe that we as a People are better than that, but believing and reality are often at odds. Is it cynical to simply ask for Some signs of humanity? 

-Shallow Gullet

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Critical Assessment

I go through these phases; where I'm particularly critical of my behavior and how my views and reactions to someone else's outlook, thoughts, behavior, slip up, whatever..........really catapults me towards being a real dick head.  I would absolve myself of this venomous behavior if I could just simply make the claim that everybody is stupid.  I'm fully aware that how you carry yourself, the mood you are in or your disposition can attract more bad shit than it repels.  I'm not blinded by a sense of indignation and pomposity to believe in my core that it is everyone but me.......I know that my intensity level is always a bit higher, can't help that…. it's the way I'm wired.  However, people as a whole do not make it easy to rise above it. ...........

To the fucking guy you are backing your car out into the exit point of the office complex I occupy...a place, where everybody that  travels in and out of this place on a regular basis knows that you have to meekly  turtle your car in reverse slowly, and on particularly lucky day your business partners oversized Tonka Truck is blocking your view, so you really have to  ease your back end into oncoming traffic.....(in a place that has posted speed limit of 15mph and speed bumps every fucking 75 yards, but every 9 of 10 mother fuckers leaving the place treats those 75 yards like the green light at a race) , so you have to back out with caution even on a clear vision day.....but this day the White Elephant was blocking me I eased back.......saw a car just hitting the previous bumps I took my shot.........well this fuck head in a Blue Volvo Cross country must have hit 40 in order to rescind my attempt at a justifiable "back up and Go", that would have slowed his speedy departure of the grounds by about 5 seconds; instead, he goes for the “pull around me to pass”.  I took offense, so I over reached my back out, to where I was almost blocking two lanes.....what, at the time felt an appropriate reaction to his fuck nuggetry.  Well, he zooms past; giving me that “Who the fuck do you think you are” stare down and overly dramatic shaking of the head drama queen routine.   Then he has to lay on his breaks, like a clown dick, because of the jaw rocker speed bumps in this place.   Anyway, turns into two lanes quickly.....and I pull up alongside, almost wanting this Human Stain to do the "roll down your window" bit.  I eventually get up beside and the guy and he looks  like a real Harley, Hells Angels, bouncer sort of dude who went legit, and now runs an MMA Gym, when he's not taking testosterone, speed or some kind of anger pill.   However, at that moment, if it came to it...I felt so justified in the grievance against this dude; that I would have taken a beating for the principle of it..........fuck you for driving like an inconsiderate douche bag.

Why do I ridicule myself for the way I see the world.  That comes not from a place of justification for my behavior; but, a comprehension of my reality.

-Shallow Gullet