Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Historically successful social movements

Historically successful social movements, have at their impetus a unifying theme. 
Though not always agreed upon; the "people" are aware of the call to action.  The
French Revolution for example....."Let them eat cake", who the fuck wouldn't support
the over throw of an arrogant Aristocracy, or at least get where the masses where
coming from.  Unless you are part of the dislodged group, you still acknowledge the
premiss while finding it to be piss pour.  The American Revolution was hatched as a
movement with substantial motivation, strategy and courage derived from the French
Revolution.  The slave movement, worker's rights, women's rights, civil rights and
most of the significant social constructs all have one thing in common; even the
most ardent opponent could at least tell you with bitter disdain on his breathe,
what the movement was about.....

(Think in Frasier Crane's ambiguous brothers voice, or Kevin Spacey's character in
"Midnight in the Garden of Good And Evil" {alternate at will, they will both

When she said "Let the Eat Cake", I knew exactly where she was coming from.  These
people want to be equals with us who were born to this right and privilege.  This is
an don't get to be free, like we at the top.

Oh those colonists.  Who do they take us for, they are british heart and God Save
The Queen to that.  If not for our protection, they will be ravaged by those dirty
French.  In my view, we have not committed enough to silence these cry's for freedom
and independence.  Oh fuck it, let them have their freedom......they'll be back.

Imagine sitting on the veranda of a county sized estate in the early 1900's. 
.......Hey Ford, we are losing the battle to these cogs who are downright demanding
better pay, safer conditions....yaddy yaddy yah.  Let's say we give in for a while
and level things out a bit.  Here's my question......"If we are gonna budge for
these cogs......Can you get them to work more efficiently?  They behave like simple
minded chimps"

With all of that being said.  When a movement is occurring, and affecting the entire
population, people are aware of what is the eventual goal.

This leads to the question, What does the conservative movement want as an end
result.  The reference to the "Conservative Movement", is thrown about so loosely,
that I don't believe I am treading on thin ice to ask in on the secret.  

Again, lay off the small minded bias dismissal.  Fact, the liberals have a movement
as well.  Not bagging on movements.  It's just that the Liberal Movement is a
rudderless ship, and I'm not sure of what they want either.  No, I am asking about
the Conservative Movement.  They are a united, devout, and righteous group.  And
that is a scary fucking combination of descriptions for a movement.  What do they
want?  Please, someone with a level head enlighten me to the vision they are
drinking in, and I am finding so distasteful.

-Shallow Gullet

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