Friday, April 27, 2012

The Rational Republican Conundrum

The religio-political babble following 911 was fueled with hatred, confusion and
generalizations.  People blamed, feared and suspected all muslims of being...."one
of them".  To be honest, I had a moment of fear on a flight not long after 911.  It
was a red eye and a pair of muslim men where sitting behind me and I became slightly
anxious, and on guard.  But you have to understand, they were dressed like the
"stereotypical" hijackers from those cheese ass 70's movies.  So I completely
acknowledge that it was too easy for me to categorize and fear.  As anniversaries
accumulated, the fervent speculation began to morf and level out.  The comprehension
that not all muslims are terrorists is now commonly understood.  However, the Muslim
Brand had suffered because of the actions of a fractional vocal Majority.  Through
education and outreach, Americans are now less hostile towards Muslims.  True; the
men who perpetuated 911 were Terrorists who happened to be Muslim......everyone has
someone in the family that causes embarrassment and shame.

With that being said.....If a backward minority is speaking for the meek majority,
shouldn't the meek majority muster the courage to moderate?  If only to give the
rest of us a belief in the possibility of civility?

-Shallow Gullet

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