Monday, April 23, 2012

discover the embryonic nucleus of the Conservative Movement

On my quest to discover the embryonic nucleus of the Conservative Movement; certain
tenants begin to emerge.  I've been bated into this proclamation of the Republican
"War on Women" shamefulness.  Issues begin to ring hollow when used as political
gain on either side.  Once that begins you've already eliminated the support
of......... "According to the Gallup Poll".....whomever votes for Republicans.  

I think we should ponder the true importance of the standing fact that every
election cycle, is decided by the swing voters.  I've accepted this a truism and
until now, haven't thought much past that perspective.  However, this particular
election cycle is raising my antenna.  The satellite image of this..... Bell Curve
of an Electorate, would give Salvador Dali a wet dream.  Radical entrenchment is the
status quo.  

The swing Voters are being compressed with more fervor than a 14 year old digging
out a zit.  The swing voters are perceived as the more rational minds.  Oh the
beauty of the Bell Curve.  Within that curve exists it's own curve.  Think about it,
even rational minds have an anchor point on their side of the spectrum.  2012 is
bringing on some crazy shit though, and ration is being tested.  The devision
between Blue and Red hasn't even the slightest glimmer of Purple.  That said, how do
you cast your vote along party lines with clear conscience.  

Something has to change.  You're either Blue, Red or Independent.  All three brands
are tarnished and their filthy exteriors are unsightly.  The classification of a
Blue is a 99% protestor, who live in their mothers basement whilst YouTube or
Facebooking their ordinary existance (sorry, that sounded angry....I was just trying
to channel an outsiders perspective......don't be so sensitive).    A Red badge
earns you an express pass to the Tea Party where your vision of America is rose
colored and reminiscent of the pre civil rights era.   The once mighty equalizer;
the independent, is now seen as codgery and out of touch, whose champion bears a
strong resemblance to Mr. Burns from the Simpsons, and babbles on like an early
onset alzheimer's  patient.  A sad State of Affairs.  

Where do those who think these phylum are all fucked turn?

- Shallow Gullet

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